Using testing package

To check the freshly created record contents using standard testing package, we have to do something like that:

import (

func TestCreateRecord(t *testing.T) {
  before := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
  record, err := CreateRecord("Bob", 23)

  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("An error occurred: %s", err)
  } else {
    expected := Record{Name: "Bob", Age: 23}

    if record.Id == 0 {
      t.Error("Id probably not initialized")
    if record.Name != expected.Name {
      t.Errorf("Name field differs, got=%s, expected=%s",
        record.Name, expected.Name)
    if record.Age != expected.Age {
      t.Errorf("Age field differs, got=%d, expected=%d",
        record.Age, expected.Age)
    if before.After(record.CreatedAt) ||
      time.Now().Before(record.CreatedAt) {
      t.Errorf("CreatedAt field not expected: %s", record.CreatedAt)

Test in in playground: