func JSONPointer(ptr string, expectedValue any) TestDeep
JSONPointer is a smuggler operator. It takes the JSON
representation of data, gets the value corresponding to the JSON
pointer ptr (as RFC 6901 specifies it) and compares it to
mode is automatically enabled to simplify numeric tests.
JSONPointer does its best to convert back the JSON pointed data to
the type of expectedValue or to the type behind the
expectedValue operator, if it is an operator. Allowing to do
things like:
type Item struct {
Val int `json:"val"`
Next *Item `json:"next"`
got := Item{Val: 1, Next: &Item{Val: 2, Next: &Item{Val: 3}}}
td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/next/next", Item{Val: 3}))
td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/next/next", &Item{Val: 3}))
td.Struct(Item{}, td.StructFields{"Val": td.Gte(3)})),
got := map[string]int64{"zzz": 42}
td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/zzz", 42))
td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/zzz", td.Between(40, 45)))
Of course, it does this conversion only if the expected type can be
guessed. In the case the conversion cannot occur, data is compared
as is, in its freshly unmarshaled JSON form (so as bool
, float64
, []any
, map[string]any
or simply nil
Note that as any
TestDeep operator can be used as expectedValue,
operator works out of the box:
got := json.RawMessage(`{"foo":{"bar": {"zip": true}}}`)
td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/foo/bar", td.JSON(`{"zip": true}`)))
It can be used with structs lacking json tags. In this case, fields
names have to be used in JSON pointer:
type Item struct {
Val int
Next *Item
got := Item{Val: 1, Next: &Item{Val: 2, Next: &Item{Val: 3}}}
td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/Next/Next", Item{Val: 3}))
Contrary to Smuggle
operator and its fields-path feature, only
public fields can be followed, as private ones are never (un)marshaled.
There is no JSONHas nor JSONHasnt operators to only check a JSON
pointer exists or not, but they can easily be emulated:
JSONHas := func(pointer string) td.TestDeep {
return td.JSONPointer(pointer, td.Ignore())
JSONHasnt := func(pointer string) td.TestDeep {
return td.Not(td.JSONPointer(pointer, td.Ignore()))
method always returns nil
as the expected type cannot be
guessed from a JSON pointer.
See also JSON
, SuperJSONOf
, Smuggle
and Flatten
See also JSONPointer godoc.
Rfc6901 example
t := &testing.T{}
got := json.RawMessage(`
"foo": ["bar", "baz"],
"": 0,
"a/b": 1,
"c%d": 2,
"e^f": 3,
"g|h": 4,
"i\\j": 5,
"k\"l": 6,
" ": 7,
"m~n": 8
expected := map[string]any{
"foo": []any{"bar", "baz"},
"": 0,
"a/b": 1,
"c%d": 2,
"e^f": 3,
"g|h": 4,
`i\j`: 5,
`k"l`: 6,
" ": 7,
"m~n": 8,
ok := td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("", expected))
fmt.Println("Empty JSON pointer means all:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/foo`, []any{"bar", "baz"}))
fmt.Println("Extract `foo` key:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/foo/0`, "bar"))
fmt.Println("First item of `foo` key slice:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/`, 0))
fmt.Println("Empty key:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/a~1b`, 1))
fmt.Println("Slash has to be escaped using `~1`:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/c%d`, 2))
fmt.Println("% in key:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/e^f`, 3))
fmt.Println("^ in key:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/g|h`, 4))
fmt.Println("| in key:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/i\j`, 5))
fmt.Println("Backslash in key:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/k"l`, 6))
fmt.Println("Double-quote in key:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/ `, 7))
fmt.Println("Space key:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(`/m~0n`, 8))
fmt.Println("Tilde has to be escaped using `~0`:", ok)
Struct example
t := &testing.T{}
type Item struct {
Name string
Value int64
Next *Item
got := Item{
Name: "first",
Value: 1,
Next: &Item{
Name: "second",
Value: 2,
Next: &Item{
Name: "third",
Value: 3,
ok := td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/Next/Next/Name", "third"))
fmt.Println("3rd item name is `third`:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/Next/Next/Value", td.Gte(int64(3))))
fmt.Println("3rd item value is greater or equal than 3:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got,
td.JSONPointer("/Value", td.Gte(int64(3))))))
fmt.Println("3rd item value is still greater or equal than 3:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/Next/Next/Next/Name", td.Ignore()))
fmt.Println("4th item exists and has a name:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/Next/Next", Item{
Name: "third",
Value: 3,
fmt.Println("3rd item full comparison:", ok)
Has_hasnt example
t := &testing.T{}
got := json.RawMessage(`
"name": "Bob",
"age": 42,
"children": [
"name": "Alice",
"age": 16
"name": "Britt",
"age": 21,
"children": [
"name": "John",
"age": 1
ok := td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/children", td.Len(td.Gt(0))))
fmt.Println("Bob has at least one child:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/children/0/children", td.Ignore()))
fmt.Println("Alice has children:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer("/children/1/children", td.Ignore()))
fmt.Println("Britt has children:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.Not(td.JSONPointer("/children/0/children", td.Ignore())))
fmt.Println("Alice hasn't children:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.Not(td.JSONPointer("/children/1/children", td.Ignore())))
fmt.Println("Britt hasn't children:", ok)
CmpJSONPointer shortcut
func CmpJSONPointer(t TestingT, got any, ptr string, expectedValue any, args ...any) bool
CmpJSONPointer is a shortcut for:
td.Cmp(t, got, td.JSONPointer(ptr, expectedValue), args...)
See above for details.
Returns true if the test is OK, false if it fails.
If t is a *T
then its Config field is inherited.
args… are optional and allow to name the test. This name is
used in case of failure to qualify the test. If len(args) > 1
the first item of args is a string
and contains a ‘%’ rune
is used to compose the name, else args are passed to
. Do not forget it is the name of the test, not the
reason of a potential failure.
See also CmpJSONPointer godoc.
Rfc6901 example
t := &testing.T{}
got := json.RawMessage(`
"foo": ["bar", "baz"],
"": 0,
"a/b": 1,
"c%d": 2,
"e^f": 3,
"g|h": 4,
"i\\j": 5,
"k\"l": 6,
" ": 7,
"m~n": 8
expected := map[string]any{
"foo": []any{"bar", "baz"},
"": 0,
"a/b": 1,
"c%d": 2,
"e^f": 3,
"g|h": 4,
`i\j`: 5,
`k"l`: 6,
" ": 7,
"m~n": 8,
ok := td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "", expected)
fmt.Println("Empty JSON pointer means all:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/foo`, []any{"bar", "baz"})
fmt.Println("Extract `foo` key:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/foo/0`, "bar")
fmt.Println("First item of `foo` key slice:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/`, 0)
fmt.Println("Empty key:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/a~1b`, 1)
fmt.Println("Slash has to be escaped using `~1`:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/c%d`, 2)
fmt.Println("% in key:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/e^f`, 3)
fmt.Println("^ in key:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/g|h`, 4)
fmt.Println("| in key:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/i\j`, 5)
fmt.Println("Backslash in key:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/k"l`, 6)
fmt.Println("Double-quote in key:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/ `, 7)
fmt.Println("Space key:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, `/m~0n`, 8)
fmt.Println("Tilde has to be escaped using `~0`:", ok)
Struct example
t := &testing.T{}
type Item struct {
Name string
Value int64
Next *Item
got := Item{
Name: "first",
Value: 1,
Next: &Item{
Name: "second",
Value: 2,
Next: &Item{
Name: "third",
Value: 3,
ok := td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "/Next/Next/Name", "third")
fmt.Println("3rd item name is `third`:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "/Next/Next/Value", td.Gte(int64(3)))
fmt.Println("3rd item value is greater or equal than 3:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "/Next", td.JSONPointer("/Next",
td.JSONPointer("/Value", td.Gte(int64(3)))))
fmt.Println("3rd item value is still greater or equal than 3:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "/Next/Next/Next/Name", td.Ignore())
fmt.Println("4th item exists and has a name:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "/Next/Next", Item{
Name: "third",
Value: 3,
fmt.Println("3rd item full comparison:", ok)
Has_hasnt example
t := &testing.T{}
got := json.RawMessage(`
"name": "Bob",
"age": 42,
"children": [
"name": "Alice",
"age": 16
"name": "Britt",
"age": 21,
"children": [
"name": "John",
"age": 1
ok := td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "/children", td.Len(td.Gt(0)))
fmt.Println("Bob has at least one child:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "/children/0/children", td.Ignore())
fmt.Println("Alice has children:", ok)
ok = td.CmpJSONPointer(t, got, "/children/1/children", td.Ignore())
fmt.Println("Britt has children:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.Not(td.JSONPointer("/children/0/children", td.Ignore())))
fmt.Println("Alice hasn't children:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.Not(td.JSONPointer("/children/1/children", td.Ignore())))
fmt.Println("Britt hasn't children:", ok)
T.JSONPointer shortcut
func (t *T) JSONPointer(got any, ptr string, expectedValue any, args ...any) bool
JSONPointer is a shortcut for:
t.Cmp(got, td.JSONPointer(ptr, expectedValue), args...)
See above for details.
Returns true if the test is OK, false if it fails.
args… are optional and allow to name the test. This name is
used in case of failure to qualify the test. If len(args) > 1
the first item of args is a string
and contains a ‘%’ rune
is used to compose the name, else args are passed to
. Do not forget it is the name of the test, not the
reason of a potential failure.
See also T.JSONPointer godoc.
Rfc6901 example
t := td.NewT(&testing.T{})
got := json.RawMessage(`
"foo": ["bar", "baz"],
"": 0,
"a/b": 1,
"c%d": 2,
"e^f": 3,
"g|h": 4,
"i\\j": 5,
"k\"l": 6,
" ": 7,
"m~n": 8
expected := map[string]any{
"foo": []any{"bar", "baz"},
"": 0,
"a/b": 1,
"c%d": 2,
"e^f": 3,
"g|h": 4,
`i\j`: 5,
`k"l`: 6,
" ": 7,
"m~n": 8,
ok := t.JSONPointer(got, "", expected)
fmt.Println("Empty JSON pointer means all:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/foo`, []any{"bar", "baz"})
fmt.Println("Extract `foo` key:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/foo/0`, "bar")
fmt.Println("First item of `foo` key slice:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/`, 0)
fmt.Println("Empty key:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/a~1b`, 1)
fmt.Println("Slash has to be escaped using `~1`:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/c%d`, 2)
fmt.Println("% in key:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/e^f`, 3)
fmt.Println("^ in key:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/g|h`, 4)
fmt.Println("| in key:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/i\j`, 5)
fmt.Println("Backslash in key:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/k"l`, 6)
fmt.Println("Double-quote in key:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/ `, 7)
fmt.Println("Space key:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, `/m~0n`, 8)
fmt.Println("Tilde has to be escaped using `~0`:", ok)
Struct example
t := td.NewT(&testing.T{})
type Item struct {
Name string
Value int64
Next *Item
got := Item{
Name: "first",
Value: 1,
Next: &Item{
Name: "second",
Value: 2,
Next: &Item{
Name: "third",
Value: 3,
ok := t.JSONPointer(got, "/Next/Next/Name", "third")
fmt.Println("3rd item name is `third`:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, "/Next/Next/Value", td.Gte(int64(3)))
fmt.Println("3rd item value is greater or equal than 3:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, "/Next", td.JSONPointer("/Next",
td.JSONPointer("/Value", td.Gte(int64(3)))))
fmt.Println("3rd item value is still greater or equal than 3:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, "/Next/Next/Next/Name", td.Ignore())
fmt.Println("4th item exists and has a name:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, "/Next/Next", Item{
Name: "third",
Value: 3,
fmt.Println("3rd item full comparison:", ok)
Has_hasnt example
t := td.NewT(&testing.T{})
got := json.RawMessage(`
"name": "Bob",
"age": 42,
"children": [
"name": "Alice",
"age": 16
"name": "Britt",
"age": 21,
"children": [
"name": "John",
"age": 1
ok := t.JSONPointer(got, "/children", td.Len(td.Gt(0)))
fmt.Println("Bob has at least one child:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, "/children/0/children", td.Ignore())
fmt.Println("Alice has children:", ok)
ok = t.JSONPointer(got, "/children/1/children", td.Ignore())
fmt.Println("Britt has children:", ok)
ok = t.Cmp(got, td.Not(td.JSONPointer("/children/0/children", td.Ignore())))
fmt.Println("Alice hasn't children:", ok)
ok = t.Cmp(got, td.Not(td.JSONPointer("/children/1/children", td.Ignore())))
fmt.Println("Britt hasn't children:", ok)