
func Smuggle(fn, expectedValue any) TestDeep

Smuggle operator allows to change data contents or mutate it into another type before stepping down in favor of generic comparison process. Of course it is a smuggler operator. So fn is a function that must take one parameter whose type must be convertible to the type of the compared value.

As convenient shortcuts, fn can be a string specifying a fields-path through structs, maps & slices, or any other type, in this case a simple cast is done (see below for details).

fn must return at least one value. These value will be compared as is to expectedValue, here integer 28:

td.Cmp(t, "0028",
  td.Smuggle(func(value string) int {
    num, _ := strconv.Atoi(value)
    return num
  }, 28),

or using an other TestDeep operator, here Between(28, 30):

td.Cmp(t, "0029",
  td.Smuggle(func(value string) int {
    num, _ := strconv.Atoi(value)
    return num
  }, td.Between(28, 30)),

fn can return a second boolean value, used to tell that a problem occurred and so stop the comparison:

td.Cmp(t, "0029",
  td.Smuggle(func(value string) (int, bool) {
    num, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
    return num, err == nil
  }, td.Between(28, 30)),

fn can return a third string value which is used to describe the test when a problem occurred (false second boolean value):

td.Cmp(t, "0029",
  td.Smuggle(func(value string) (int, bool, string) {
    num, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
    if err != nil {
      return 0, false, "string must contain a number"
    return num, true, ""
  }, td.Between(28, 30)),

Instead of returning (X, bool) or (X, bool, string), fn can return (X, error). When a problem occurs, the returned error is non-nil, as in:

td.Cmp(t, "0029",
  td.Smuggle(func(value string) (int, error) {
    num, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
    return num, err
  }, td.Between(28, 30)),

Which can be simplified to:

td.Cmp(t, "0029", td.Smuggle(strconv.Atoi, td.Between(28, 30)))

Imagine you want to compare that the Year of a date is between 2010 and 2020:

td.Cmp(t, time.Date(2015, time.May, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
  td.Smuggle(func(date time.Time) int { return date.Year() },
    td.Between(2010, 2020)),

In this case the data location forwarded to next test will be something like “DATA.MyTimeField”, but you can act on it too by returning a SmuggledGot struct (by value or by address):

td.Cmp(t, time.Date(2015, time.May, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, time.UTC),
  td.Smuggle(func(date time.Time) SmuggledGot {
    return SmuggledGot{
      Name: "Year",
      Got:  date.Year(),
  }, td.Between(2010, 2020)),

then the data location forwarded to next test will be something like “DATA.MyTimeField.Year”. The “.” between the current path (here “DATA.MyTimeField”) and the returned Name “Year” is automatically added when Name starts with a Letter.

Note that SmuggledGot and *SmuggledGot returns are treated equally, and they are only used when fn has only one returned value or when the second boolean returned value is true.

Of course, all cases can go together:

// Accepts a "YYYY/mm/DD HH:MM:SS" string to produce a time.Time and tests
// whether this date is contained between 2 hours before now and now.
td.Cmp(t, "2020-01-25 12:13:14",
  td.Smuggle(func(date string) (*SmuggledGot, bool, string) {
    date, err := time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05", date)
    if err != nil {
      return nil, false, `date must conform to "YYYY/mm/DD HH:MM:SS" format`
    return &SmuggledGot{
      Name: "Date",
      Got:  date,
    }, true, ""
  }, td.Between(time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour), time.Now())),


// Accepts a "YYYY/mm/DD HH:MM:SS" string to produce a time.Time and tests
// whether this date is contained between 2 hours before now and now.
td.Cmp(t, "2020-01-25 12:13:14",
  td.Smuggle(func(date string) (*SmuggledGot, error) {
    date, err := time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05", date)
    if err != nil {
      return nil, err
    return &SmuggledGot{
      Name: "Date",
      Got:  date,
    }, nil
  }, td.Between(time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour), time.Now())),

Smuggle can also be used to access a struct field embedded in several struct layers.

type A struct{ Num int }
type B struct{ As map[string]*A }
type C struct{ B B }
got := C{B: B{As: map[string]*A{"foo": {Num: 12}}}}

// Tests that got.B.A.Num is 12
td.Cmp(t, got,
  td.Smuggle(func(c C) int {
    return c.B.As["foo"].Num
  }, 12))

As brought up above, a fields-path can be passed as fn value instead of a function pointer. Using this feature, the Cmp call in the above example can be rewritten as follows:

// Tests that got.B.As["foo"].Num is 12
td.Cmp(t, got, td.Smuggle("B.As[foo].Num", 12))

Contrary to JSONPointer operator, private fields can be followed. Arrays, slices and maps work using the index/key inside square brackets (e.g. [12] or [foo]). Maps work only for simple key types (string or numbers), without "" when using strings (e.g. [foo]).

Behind the scenes, a temporary function is automatically created to achieve the same goal, but add some checks against nil values and auto-dereference interfaces and pointers, even on several levels, like in:

type A struct{ N any }
num := 12
pnum := &num
td.Cmp(t, A{N: &pnum}, td.Smuggle("N", 12))

Last but not least, a simple type can be passed as fn to operate a cast, handling specifically strings and slices of bytes:

td.Cmp(t, `{"foo":1}`, td.Smuggle(json.RawMessage{}, td.JSON(`{"foo":1}`)))
// or equally
td.Cmp(t, `{"foo":1}`, td.Smuggle(json.RawMessage(nil), td.JSON(`{"foo":1}`)))

converts on the fly a string to a json.RawMessage so JSON operator can parse it as JSON. This is mostly a shortcut for:

td.Cmp(t, `{"foo":1}`, td.Smuggle(
  func(r json.RawMessage) json.RawMessage { return r },

except that for strings and slices of bytes (like here), it accepts io.Reader interface too:

var body io.Reader
// …
td.Cmp(t, body, td.Smuggle(json.RawMessage{}, td.JSON(`{"foo":1}`)))
// or equally
td.Cmp(t, body, td.Smuggle(json.RawMessage(nil), td.JSON(`{"foo":1}`)))

This last example allows to easily inject body content into JSON operator.

The difference between Smuggle and Code operators is that Code is used to do a final comparison while Smuggle transforms the data and then steps down in favor of generic comparison process. Moreover, the type accepted as input for the function is more lax to facilitate the writing of tests (e.g. the function can accept a float64 and the got value be an int). See examples. On the other hand, the output type is strict and must match exactly the expected value type. The fields-path string fn shortcut and the cast feature are not available with Code operator.

TypeBehind method returns the reflect.Type of only parameter of fn. For the case where fn is a fields-path, it is always any, as the type can not be known in advance.

See also Code, JSONPointer and Flatten.

See also Smuggle godoc.


Convert example
Lax example
Auto_unmarshal example
Cast example
Complex example
Interface example
Field_path example

CmpSmuggle shortcut

func CmpSmuggle(t TestingT, got, fn , expectedValue any, args ...any) bool

CmpSmuggle is a shortcut for:

td.Cmp(t, got, td.Smuggle(fn, expectedValue), args...)

See above for details.

Returns true if the test is OK, false if it fails.

If t is a *T then its Config field is inherited.

args… are optional and allow to name the test. This name is used in case of failure to qualify the test. If len(args) > 1 and the first item of args is a string and contains a ‘%’ rune then fmt.Fprintf is used to compose the name, else args are passed to fmt.Fprint. Do not forget it is the name of the test, not the reason of a potential failure.

See also CmpSmuggle godoc.


Convert example
Lax example
Auto_unmarshal example
Cast example
Complex example
Interface example
Field_path example

T.Smuggle shortcut

func (t *T) Smuggle(got, fn , expectedValue any, args ...any) bool

Smuggle is a shortcut for:

t.Cmp(got, td.Smuggle(fn, expectedValue), args...)

See above for details.

Returns true if the test is OK, false if it fails.

args… are optional and allow to name the test. This name is used in case of failure to qualify the test. If len(args) > 1 and the first item of args is a string and contains a ‘%’ rune then fmt.Fprintf is used to compose the name, else args are passed to fmt.Fprint. Do not forget it is the name of the test, not the reason of a potential failure.

See also T.Smuggle godoc.


Convert example
Lax example
Auto_unmarshal example
Cast example
Complex example
Interface example
Field_path example