func SStruct(model any, expectedFields ...StructFields) TestDeep
SStruct operator (aka strict-Struct
) compares the contents of a
struct or a pointer on a struct against values of model (if any
and the values of expectedFields. The zero values are compared
too even if they are omitted from expectedFields: that is the
difference with Struct
model must be the same type as compared data. If the expected type
is private or anonymous, model can be nil
. In this case it is
considered lazy and determined each time the operator is involved
in a match, see below.
expectedFields can be omitted, if no TestDeep operators are
involved. If expectedFields contains more than one item, all
items are merged before their use, from left to right.
To ignore a field, one has to specify it in expectedFields and
use the Ignore
td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(
Name: "John Doe",
"Children": 4,
"Age": td.Between(40, 45),
"Children": td.Ignore(), // overwrite 4
It is an error
to set a non-zero field in model AND to set the
same field in expectedFields, as in such cases the SStruct
operator does not know if the user wants to override the non-zero
model field value or if it is an error
. To explicitly override a
non-zero model in expectedFields, just prefix its name with a
“>” (followed by some optional spaces), as in:
td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(
Name: "John Doe",
Age: 23,
Children: 4,
"> Age": td.Between(40, 45),
">Children": 0, // spaces after ">" are optional
expectedFields can also contain regexps or shell patterns to
match multiple fields not explicitly listed in model and in
expectedFields. Regexps are prefixed by “=~” or “!~” to
respectively match or don’t-match. Shell patterns are prefixed by “=”
or “!” to respectively match or don’t-match.
td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(
Name: "John Doe",
"=*At": td.Lte(time.Now()), // matches CreatedAt & UpdatedAt fields using shell pattern
"=~^[a-z]": td.Ignore(), // explicitly ignore private fields using a regexp
When several patterns can match a same field, it is advised to tell
go-testdeep in which order patterns should be tested, as once a
pattern matches a field, the other patterns are ignored for this
field. To do so, each pattern can be prefixed by a number, as in:
td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(
Name: "John Doe",
"1=*At": td.Lte(time.Now()),
"2=~^[a-z]": td.NotNil(),
This way, “*At” shell pattern is always used before “^[a-z]”
regexp, so if a field “createdAt” exists it is tested against
time.Now() and never against NotNil
. A pattern without a
prefix number is the same as specifying “0” as prefix.
To make it clearer, some spaces can be added, as well as bigger
numbers used:
td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(
Name: "John Doe",
" 900 = *At": td.Lte(time.Now()),
"2000 =~ ^[a-z]": td.NotNil(),
The following example combines all possibilities:
td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(
NickName: "Joe",
"Firstname": td.Any("John", "Johnny"),
"1 = *[nN]ame": td.NotEmpty(), // matches LastName, lastname, …
"2 ! [A-Z]*": td.NotZero(), // matches all private fields
"3 =~ ^(Crea|Upda)tedAt$": td.Gte(time.Now()),
"4 !~ ^(Dogs|Children)$": td.Zero(), // matches all remaining fields except Dogs and Children
"5 =~ .": td.NotNil(), // matches all remaining fields (same as "5 = *")
If the expected type is private to the current package, it cannot
be passed as model. To overcome this limitation, model can be nil
it is then considered as lazy. This way, the model is automatically
set during each match to the same type (still requiring struct or
struct pointer) of the compared data. Similarly, testing an
anonymous struct can be boring as all fields have to be re-declared
to define model. A nil
model avoids that:
got := struct {
name string
age int
}{"Bob", 42}
td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(nil, td.StructFields{
"name": "Bob",
"age": td.Between(40, 42),
During a match, all expected and zero fields must be found to
method returns the reflect.Type
of model.
See also SStruct
See also SStruct godoc.
Base example
t := &testing.T{}
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
NumChildren int
got := Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 42,
NumChildren: 0,
// NumChildren is not listed in expected fields so it must be zero
ok := td.Cmp(t, got,
td.SStruct(Person{Name: "Foobar"}, td.StructFields{
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
// Model can be empty
got.NumChildren = 3
ok = td.Cmp(t, got,
td.SStruct(Person{}, td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children:", ok)
// Works with pointers too
ok = td.Cmp(t, &got,
td.SStruct(&Person{}, td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children (using pointer):", ok)
// Model does not need to be instanciated
ok = td.Cmp(t, &got,
td.SStruct((*Person)(nil), td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children (using nil model):", ok)
// Output:
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
// Foobar has some children: true
// Foobar has some children (using pointer): true
// Foobar has some children (using nil model): true
Overwrite_model example
t := &testing.T{}
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
NumChildren int
got := Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 42,
NumChildren: 3,
ok := td.Cmp(t, got,
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 53,
">Age": td.Between(40, 50), // ">" to overwrite Age:53 in model
"NumChildren": td.Gt(2),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got,
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 53,
"> Age": td.Between(40, 50), // same, ">" can be followed by spaces
"NumChildren": td.Gt(2),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
// Output:
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
Patterns example
t := &testing.T{}
type Person struct {
Firstname string
Lastname string
Surname string
Nickname string
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
id int64
secret string
now := time.Now()
got := Person{
Firstname: "Maxime",
Lastname: "Foo",
Surname: "Max",
Nickname: "max",
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
DeletedAt: nil, // not deleted yet
id: 2345,
secret: "5ecr3T",
ok := td.Cmp(t, got,
td.SStruct(Person{Lastname: "Foo"}, td.StructFields{
`DeletedAt`: nil,
`= *name`: td.Re(`^(?i)max`), // shell pattern, matches all names except Lastname as in model
`=~ At\z`: td.Lte(time.Now()), // regexp, matches CreatedAt & UpdatedAt
`! [A-Z]*`: td.Ignore(), // private fields
"mix shell & regexp patterns")
fmt.Println("Patterns match only remaining fields:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got,
td.SStruct(Person{Lastname: "Foo"}, td.StructFields{
`DeletedAt`: nil,
`1 = *name`: td.Re(`^(?i)max`), // shell pattern, matches all names except Lastname as in model
`2 =~ At\z`: td.Lte(time.Now()), // regexp, matches CreatedAt & UpdatedAt
`3 !~ ^[A-Z]`: td.Ignore(), // private fields
"ordered patterns")
fmt.Println("Ordered patterns match only remaining fields:", ok)
// Output:
// Patterns match only remaining fields: true
// Ordered patterns match only remaining fields: true
Lazy_model example
t := &testing.T{}
got := struct {
name string
age int
name: "Foobar",
age: 42,
ok := td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(nil, td.StructFields{
"name": "Foobar",
"age": td.Between(40, 45),
fmt.Println("Lazy model:", ok)
ok = td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(nil, td.StructFields{
"name": "Foobar",
"zip": 666,
fmt.Println("Lazy model with unknown field:", ok)
// Output:
// Lazy model: true
// Lazy model with unknown field: false
CmpSStruct shortcut
func CmpSStruct(t TestingT, got, model any, expectedFields StructFields, args ...any) bool
CmpSStruct is a shortcut for:
td.Cmp(t, got, td.SStruct(model, expectedFields), args...)
See above for details.
optional parameter expectedFields is here mandatory.
value should be passed to mimic its absence in
original SStruct
Returns true if the test is OK, false if it fails.
If t is a *T
then its Config field is inherited.
args… are optional and allow to name the test. This name is
used in case of failure to qualify the test. If len(args) > 1
the first item of args is a string
and contains a ‘%’ rune
is used to compose the name, else args are passed to
. Do not forget it is the name of the test, not the
reason of a potential failure.
See also CmpSStruct godoc.
Base example
t := &testing.T{}
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
NumChildren int
got := Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 42,
NumChildren: 0,
// NumChildren is not listed in expected fields so it must be zero
ok := td.CmpSStruct(t, got, Person{Name: "Foobar"}, td.StructFields{
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
// Model can be empty
got.NumChildren = 3
ok = td.CmpSStruct(t, got, Person{}, td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children:", ok)
// Works with pointers too
ok = td.CmpSStruct(t, &got, &Person{}, td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children (using pointer):", ok)
// Model does not need to be instanciated
ok = td.CmpSStruct(t, &got, (*Person)(nil), td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children (using nil model):", ok)
// Output:
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
// Foobar has some children: true
// Foobar has some children (using pointer): true
// Foobar has some children (using nil model): true
Overwrite_model example
t := &testing.T{}
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
NumChildren int
got := Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 42,
NumChildren: 3,
ok := td.CmpSStruct(t, got, Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 53,
}, td.StructFields{
">Age": td.Between(40, 50), // ">" to overwrite Age:53 in model
"NumChildren": td.Gt(2),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
ok = td.CmpSStruct(t, got, Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 53,
}, td.StructFields{
"> Age": td.Between(40, 50), // same, ">" can be followed by spaces
"NumChildren": td.Gt(2),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
// Output:
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
Patterns example
t := &testing.T{}
type Person struct {
Firstname string
Lastname string
Surname string
Nickname string
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
id int64
secret string
now := time.Now()
got := Person{
Firstname: "Maxime",
Lastname: "Foo",
Surname: "Max",
Nickname: "max",
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
DeletedAt: nil, // not deleted yet
id: 2345,
secret: "5ecr3T",
ok := td.CmpSStruct(t, got, Person{Lastname: "Foo"}, td.StructFields{
`DeletedAt`: nil,
`= *name`: td.Re(`^(?i)max`), // shell pattern, matches all names except Lastname as in model
`=~ At\z`: td.Lte(time.Now()), // regexp, matches CreatedAt & UpdatedAt
`! [A-Z]*`: td.Ignore(), // private fields
"mix shell & regexp patterns")
fmt.Println("Patterns match only remaining fields:", ok)
ok = td.CmpSStruct(t, got, Person{Lastname: "Foo"}, td.StructFields{
`DeletedAt`: nil,
`1 = *name`: td.Re(`^(?i)max`), // shell pattern, matches all names except Lastname as in model
`2 =~ At\z`: td.Lte(time.Now()), // regexp, matches CreatedAt & UpdatedAt
`3 !~ ^[A-Z]`: td.Ignore(), // private fields
"ordered patterns")
fmt.Println("Ordered patterns match only remaining fields:", ok)
// Output:
// Patterns match only remaining fields: true
// Ordered patterns match only remaining fields: true
Lazy_model example
t := &testing.T{}
got := struct {
name string
age int
name: "Foobar",
age: 42,
ok := td.CmpSStruct(t, got, nil, td.StructFields{
"name": "Foobar",
"age": td.Between(40, 45),
fmt.Println("Lazy model:", ok)
ok = td.CmpSStruct(t, got, nil, td.StructFields{
"name": "Foobar",
"zip": 666,
fmt.Println("Lazy model with unknown field:", ok)
// Output:
// Lazy model: true
// Lazy model with unknown field: false
T.SStruct shortcut
func (t *T) SStruct(got, model any, expectedFields StructFields, args ...any) bool
SStruct is a shortcut for:
t.Cmp(got, td.SStruct(model, expectedFields), args...)
See above for details.
optional parameter expectedFields is here mandatory.
value should be passed to mimic its absence in
original SStruct
Returns true if the test is OK, false if it fails.
args… are optional and allow to name the test. This name is
used in case of failure to qualify the test. If len(args) > 1
the first item of args is a string
and contains a ‘%’ rune
is used to compose the name, else args are passed to
. Do not forget it is the name of the test, not the
reason of a potential failure.
See also T.SStruct godoc.
Base example
t := td.NewT(&testing.T{})
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
NumChildren int
got := Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 42,
NumChildren: 0,
// NumChildren is not listed in expected fields so it must be zero
ok := t.SStruct(got, Person{Name: "Foobar"}, td.StructFields{
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
// Model can be empty
got.NumChildren = 3
ok = t.SStruct(got, Person{}, td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children:", ok)
// Works with pointers too
ok = t.SStruct(&got, &Person{}, td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children (using pointer):", ok)
// Model does not need to be instanciated
ok = t.SStruct(&got, (*Person)(nil), td.StructFields{
"Name": "Foobar",
"Age": td.Between(40, 50),
"NumChildren": td.Not(0),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar has some children (using nil model):", ok)
// Output:
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
// Foobar has some children: true
// Foobar has some children (using pointer): true
// Foobar has some children (using nil model): true
Overwrite_model example
t := td.NewT(&testing.T{})
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
NumChildren int
got := Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 42,
NumChildren: 3,
ok := t.SStruct(got, Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 53,
}, td.StructFields{
">Age": td.Between(40, 50), // ">" to overwrite Age:53 in model
"NumChildren": td.Gt(2),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
ok = t.SStruct(got, Person{
Name: "Foobar",
Age: 53,
}, td.StructFields{
"> Age": td.Between(40, 50), // same, ">" can be followed by spaces
"NumChildren": td.Gt(2),
"checks %v is the right Person")
fmt.Println("Foobar is between 40 & 50:", ok)
// Output:
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
// Foobar is between 40 & 50: true
Patterns example
t := td.NewT(&testing.T{})
type Person struct {
Firstname string
Lastname string
Surname string
Nickname string
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
id int64
secret string
now := time.Now()
got := Person{
Firstname: "Maxime",
Lastname: "Foo",
Surname: "Max",
Nickname: "max",
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
DeletedAt: nil, // not deleted yet
id: 2345,
secret: "5ecr3T",
ok := t.SStruct(got, Person{Lastname: "Foo"}, td.StructFields{
`DeletedAt`: nil,
`= *name`: td.Re(`^(?i)max`), // shell pattern, matches all names except Lastname as in model
`=~ At\z`: td.Lte(time.Now()), // regexp, matches CreatedAt & UpdatedAt
`! [A-Z]*`: td.Ignore(), // private fields
"mix shell & regexp patterns")
fmt.Println("Patterns match only remaining fields:", ok)
ok = t.SStruct(got, Person{Lastname: "Foo"}, td.StructFields{
`DeletedAt`: nil,
`1 = *name`: td.Re(`^(?i)max`), // shell pattern, matches all names except Lastname as in model
`2 =~ At\z`: td.Lte(time.Now()), // regexp, matches CreatedAt & UpdatedAt
`3 !~ ^[A-Z]`: td.Ignore(), // private fields
"ordered patterns")
fmt.Println("Ordered patterns match only remaining fields:", ok)
// Output:
// Patterns match only remaining fields: true
// Ordered patterns match only remaining fields: true
Lazy_model example
t := td.NewT(&testing.T{})
got := struct {
name string
age int
name: "Foobar",
age: 42,
ok := t.SStruct(got, nil, td.StructFields{
"name": "Foobar",
"age": td.Between(40, 45),
fmt.Println("Lazy model:", ok)
ok = t.SStruct(got, nil, td.StructFields{
"name": "Foobar",
"zip": 666,
fmt.Println("Lazy model with unknown field:", ok)
// Output:
// Lazy model: true
// Lazy model with unknown field: false